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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ivy's Adventures in Thailand Part II

Continuing on from yesterday's post...

Ivy rides the Skytrain in Bangkok

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Ivy's Adventures in Thailand Part 1 (and the limitations of camera phones)

I'm back from Thailand, so it's time to share some of AG Ivy's adventures.  Before I start though, I should mention that in packing light for this holiday I didn't bring an actual camera, and while I missed it less than I expected, sometimes the limitations of the camera phone were fairly obvious.
Mini AG Ivy at Surin Beach

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Holiday Time!

I'm on holiday in Thailand at the moment, so I was going to be offline for the next couple of weeks, but then I decided to bring along a doll (mini AG Ivy), so I'll be posting a few updates of her adventures instead.

Mini Ivy at Patong Beach
Mini Ivy checks out a Koh Phi Phi pool.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Out of the Box: Hiccup & Drago (Spinmaster's How to Train your Dragon 2)

Out of the box: Hiccup and Drago
I think I've mentioned once or twice that I'm quite fond of the How To Train Your Dragon franchise. I've always thought it's a shame that, aside from the FunkoPop figures, there weren't any collector figures out there, but since it is fundamentally a kids' movie, I thought it would be fun to take a look at some of the play figures that are available.

The majority of the HTTYD toys that have been released are of the dragons - and some of those are stunning, although I've held off on picking any up because they tend to be either too large (and being about to move house, I'm trying not to bring home any new large items) or so small that I'd be afraid of misplacing them.  So instead I decided to check out a couple of the human figures that are sold as accessories to the dragons (they're designed to be able to sit on the backs of the associated figures).

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Out of the Box: Bratzilla Illiana Honesty

I've talked before about my ridiculous fondness for the Bratz Boyz line, but I've never branched out into picking up any of the dolls from the other Bratz lines.  Or at least that was the case until last week, when I found the Bratzilla Illiana Honesty (from the "House of Witchez"/"Back to Magic" international-themed series) available for a reasonable price.
Bratzilla Illiana Honesty

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Bunny Day!

What better day than Easter to let the resident gentleman rabbit (a Pipos Dark Rabbit) enjoy the spotlight?

If you're enjoying a holiday weekend, I hope it's a good one!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

New Headers & A Quick Thanks to TheToyBox1138!

I wanted to give a quick shout-out to The Toy Box, whose Playing with Logos post reminded me that I've been planning to update my blog header for the better part of six months now. And to say thanks for creating a brilliant Star Wars-inspired one for this blog!

I'm still playing around with the sizes, background colours, and whether I'm going to stick with adding a photo, but I thought it would make more sense to make the changes out in public where I can hear people's opinions rather than just sitting on them and debating it with myself!

I'm still fond of my old header/banner, but it wasn't particularly representative of the majority of my content, so it was definitely time for a change - but let me know what you think! :)

The old, all-BJD banner says goodbye.