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Friday, January 27, 2017

Tween Scene Dolls On Clearance

Just a quick post to let the US-based readers know that the Tween Scene dolls seem to be on clearance in some markets. At my local store they were reduced to $11 - 66% off the original price!



Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Prettie Girls Tween Scene Outfit Sets: Rockstar Rage

Back in late August I took some photos of one of the Prettie Girls outfit sets. The lighting was less than ideal so I didn't post them at the time, but I've since noticed that there aren't many reviews of these floating around, so I thought there might be some worth to putting them up regardless of the photo quality.

The particular outfit that I picked up is called "Rockstar Rage". It includes 6 pieces: a t-shirt, dress, pair of socks and pair of shoes. The dress is faux leather, the top has a shiny pink body with leopard print sleeves, and the socks are camoflage.  The shoes are pink converse-style and made of the same soft plastic as the doll's default footwear.

The clothing quality is in-line with the default outfits that the dolls arrive in and fits the doll (in this case, Dhara) well.

But enough talk, let's look at some photos!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Out of the Box: Mega Bloks Assassin's Creed Adéwalé

This is one of those toys that I meant to post about a few months back, but hey: better late than never!

Dollarama is a Canadian discount chain, and while I was staying in Toronto in the fall I came across a few Mega Bloks sets for $3.00 CDN. Since I've regularly seen these selling for around $7.00 USD, I couldn't make myself pass one up, So I picked up Adéwalé from the Assassin's Creed line.

These sets include a simple base with a few decorative accessories plus one of the standard-style block figures.  In this case, the base included the floor piece, an upright mock-wood wall, a fern, and a barrel. In addition, the figure itself included removable clothing and two weapons.

Let's take a closer look!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2016 in Review

January already! Even allowing that I was away from home for three months at the end of the year, I still can't believe how quickly 2016 seems to have flown by!

Since we're now into the first week of 2017, it seemed like a good time to look back on the dolls and figures that entered and exited the posse.

The biggest group of arrivals came over the summer, when I went on a bit of a playline-size buying frenzy:
Ellowyne Wilde Cinnamon, Capratina Diya, Wellie Wishers Aslyn,
H4H Surjan (the lone older purchase), Corelle Cecile, and Las Amigas Carol