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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Out of the Box: West (Iplehouse EID Arvid)

I've talked about Iplehouse's massive (70+cm, 2.5kg) EID line when I unpacked my Chase, Murad, but there are a few differences between that doll and this one.  Unlike my Chase, I ordered my EID Arvid direct from Iplehouse when he was first released, so any damage to this doll is 100% my fault.

He was also ordered in a different colour (Lt Brown) and has the default faceup that was offered with that particular Limited release (from their 2011 cowboy themed series, although I didn't purchase any of the outfit or accessories that made up the rest of his listing).  Like most of my other Iplehouse dolls, his colour is solid and even, and unlike my older Lt tan Cocori, his colour has stayed even and not greened.  In fact, I would say that it hasn't even mellowed - I purchased a back-up pair of hands with him, and also removed his left leg when I originally restrung him (for character reasons), and when I packed him up for the move I compared him to those pieces (which were hidden away inside the box in the dark) and everything was still a perfect match nearly 3 years later.

With my Limhwa tan half-elf, Laura

With an older wig
  In fact, the only issue I've ever had with this doll is from my recent move: his faceup started to flake a bit.  Given the changes in humidity and temperature that were involved in a long-distance truck-based move that's not necessarily unexpected, but he's also the only doll out the 20+ that made the move that had the issue, and I know that the original owner of my Chase removed his original faceup after it flaked during a seasonal shift (although to be fair, my other three - older and more recent - Iple dolls are fine after going through the same temperature shifts).

As an amusing side story, I have a couple of friends who are generally not doll people who have called this guy the exception to their doll-hating rule.  One of them even calls him "the hot one"! ;)

With EID Chase


  1. Hi jSarie, you have an amazing collection, thanks to your posts and photos I'm seriously thinking of buying a 70 cm BJD in stead of the Souldoll 52 cm one. Your West is fantastic, such realism! A very impressive doll!!!

    1. I'm glad you like him!

      Maybe you need both a 70cm BJD and a Souldoll 52cm one. ;)

    2. Ouch!!! (that was my bank account, I'll try to ignore it LOL)

    3. LOL, yup. The prices are one of those things that takes a bit to get used to!

  2. I can see why he's called the hot doll :P

  3. LOL @ "the hot one." I agree with your friend!

  4. I can understand Arvid being referred to as "the hot one". He's very handsome and manly, where as many of the male dolls are a bit effeminate looking. I think Iplehouse do an exceptional job of default face-ups and like yourself I have had very little problem with any colour change and my dolls are out on show most of the time.

    1. It's true, Iplewas one of the first to really break away of that stylized look - although there are certainly others like them now, of course. And it speaks well of them that they had those brief issues with their 2009 resin batches and got them worked out so quickly. :)

  5. Hi! I discovered your blog a few days ago ^^
    When I first joined the BJD hobby, I didn't like Iplehouse dolls because they look very realistic and liked "anime" molds instead. Now things have changed and I love Iple dolls just because their realism, although I don't have any, lol. Their boys (and girls) are amazing and very handsome so I can understand why you say he's "the hot one".

    1. Heh, thanks! :)

      It's funny how our tastes in the same things change over time, isn't it? I know there are dolls that I never considered in the past that now I look at and think "Perfect!".
