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Monday, July 28, 2014

Out of the Box: Mulder & Scully (McFarlane Toys' Fight the Future series)

Scully and Mulder
I've talked about my deep and abiding fondness for The X-files before (when I was excited to find the Sideshow Autopsy Scully for my sister), and yet somehow I've never shared my standard-sized figures before outside of a few group shots with them in the background.

The alien.
 These figures were part of a 1998 McFarlane Toys release that tied-in to the decidedly mediocre The X-Files: Fight the Future film.  In addition to the traditional suited Mulder and Scully, the line included parka-wearing variants (which I quite like, although I don't have them myself  - my sister owned them at the time, and they were nicely done), an alien and a couple of semi-developed alien and corpse-gestating-alien figures.  Personally, I was always baffled by the inclusion of the corpses and pod-aliens - they were so specific to the film rather than the show, and so limited in terms of display (and play, although clearly the line wasn't marketed for that), that I've never understood the appeal of them.  I've met a multiple people who own (or once owned) these figures, but I've only once met someone who isn't a MIC collector who actually did anything with those parts.

The figures also included some small accessories including flashlights, cell
phones and ID badges. That I've managed not to lose the flashlight that you can see in the photo above is somewhat miraculous, given that these guys have been out-of-box for more than a decade (I'm usually not that organized!).

As is standard for McFarlane's releases of the time, the likenesses are solid and the details are fabulous.  The resemblance to the actors is significantly better on these than on the much larger Sideshow line.
I used this photo for a Christmas card one year.
Yes, I know that's silly, and no, I don't care. ;)

Size comparison: the McFarlane Mulder doesn't
quite reach the Sideshow Krycek's waist.


  1. I still to this day need that McFarlane Mulder .

    1. Hopefully there's one floating around with your name on it!

  2. Haha, I love your Christmas card photo!

  3. Mulder and Scully can hang out with Santa around that time. Or anytime. They're all grown ;-). Maybe they were checking to see if Santa is an alien. Maybe they all were at the same bar. I think it's a cute card.

    Congrats on keeping the flashlight. Some accessories almost refuse to get lost. Like it knows Mulder needs it to shed light on suspicious night activities.

    Ha, who is being silly? Facepalm.

    1. Ha! But it's a fair question - how does Santa deliver all those presents in one night? It must be help from the aliens! ;)

  4. LOL, I like how Mulder and the Alien have a similar stance but different affects. The Alien is like, "Party over here." But Mulder is like, "Nothing to see here."

  5. Love the Alien figure. Pretty close to what they look like in real life ;)The card makes all the sense in the world. Scully and Mulder just refuse to believe that mysterious appearance of toys under the tree at Christmas Is merely the work of sneaky parents. They'll prove once and for all that Santa IS real!

    1. Heh, that's it - The truth (about Santa) is out there!
