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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Out of the Box: Aveline de Grandpré (McFarlane Toy's Assassin's Creed Series 2)

Aveline with her pistol and whip.
Good news!  I've found my camera!  So on we go with the toy talk!

Back in late 2012/early 2013, I attempted to get through the entire Assassin's Creed series. I made it through 1, 2, Brotherhood, Liberation (I even bought the special edition PSVita for that one) and about a quarter of the way through Revelations, when the sameness of them all started to get to me.   Still, I do still have a fondness for the player characters from those games, and while I see to have missed seeing the first series of figures when they were new (I'd have considered picking up Altaïr and Ezio if I had), on Monday I happened across the new series.  Having not played AC3 or ACIV, I wasn't interested in the tie-ins for those, but since Aveline de Grandpré (the main character from Liberation) was on the shelf as well, she made her way into my shopping basket.

Before getting to the figure, I have to say that I'm impressed with the minimalist packaging for this line - too many figures come with ridiculous layers, but this one had the single card, a basic front + back of plastic and only a single tie-on.  I appreciated that both in terms of ease of unboxing, and in terms of not having to throw out huge amounts of packaging for what's ultimately a fairly small toy.
In the box.

For a figure at this price point ($13USD), I was impressed with the amount of detail:  the clothing is fantastically well sculpted and painted, and she comes with a variety of accessories including a hat, a whip, a pistol and a variety of blades.  The figure has 11 points of articulation (although the hip movement is quite limited due to the outfit), and poses well.  Her balance is less than ideal though - a stand would have been helpful for this one.

With her machete and knife.
 Overall, I'd give this figure top marks - she's a good likeness of the character with lovely detailing and a solid number of accessories (which I will probably lose, but hey).


  1. I'm glad someone has one of these! I've seen them at Walgreens and really like AC so I've been tempted a few times! Thanks for the pics!

    1. They're nicely done, so if you ever give in to temptation there I think you won't be disappointed! ;)

  2. Iv never played the games but the figure looks really cool.

    1. Thanks, they seem to be a well-made line, which I always like to see.

      And the games are pretty entertaining despite the repetitiveness (which, to be fair, I might not have found as tiresome if I hadn't tried to play 6 of them in a row).

  3. A great figure! I don't know the games, but she looks very cool :-). x

  4. I've only seen tiny snippets of Assassins Creed on YouTube but they were mostly parodies so I have no clue what is actually going on. I like all the details and the fact that the hat is removable.

    1. Ha! I can only imagine what the parody versions would be like! :D

      The hat is my favourite feature too - I'm totally impressed that it was included on such a small figure.
