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Monday, December 29, 2014

Season's Greetings! And Planning for 2015

Double Dutch Sascha (in a Carpatina oufit),
Volks SDGou Claude the Beast,
Carpatina Veronika
I missed posting on Christmas, so just wanted to make a quick post to send a Holiday greeting!

Coming up in the first few weeks of 2015,  I should be posting about the Carpatina doll and clothes line (I received a doll and three outfits as part of a gift exchange), and about my end-of-year splurge gift to myself, a Volks SDGou Claude the Beast, who I lucked into finding on Mandarake two weeks ago.  Also in the queue are Monster High's Vandala Doubloons, and some vintage Star Wars figures and vehicles.

I also seem to be hitting a storage and display limit, which means it may be time to thin the herd, so it's likely that I'll be talking myself through the process of elimination some time in the next couple of months.

And finally, my husband is expecting a new work assignment some time in the next 5 months, so since we'll be moving house some time this year there may be a series on packing-up dolls and figures in the works.  And depending on our next location, we may be unpacking out storage items as well, which will open up a whole host of new/old "Out of the Box" posts as I sort through those items.

I hope 2014 is wrapping up as well for you as it is for me, and best wishes for 2015!  Cheers!


  1. I look forward to your posts, especially about the Carpatina dolls and the Volks doll (WOW!!! Can't wait to see more pictures!). Have fun on New Year's Eve, and a Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year! :)

      I'm looking forward to giving Claude a proper photo shoot - having missed him in both of Volks' lotteries, I was thrilled to have a second opportunity to bring him home. The original owner only kept his eyes - the rest of his fullset hadn't even been touched, so I almost couldn't believe my luck! :)

  2. Being new to doll collecting, I haven't heard of Volks dolls, so I'm looking forward to that...good luck "thinning out the herd" :) Happy New Year! :)

    1. Also, I'm looking forward to your Vandala Doubloons review as well as she is the one in the Haunted line I was most interested in getting. I just got Lorna McNessie yesterday and I just LOVE HER :)

    2. I was just looking at your photos of Lorna - she's lovely!

  3. A new move is always exciting, but the packing and unpacking is something I always dread. I wish you much luck with it and look forward to seeing more of what you have in your toybox in 2015 . . . it certainly has been enjoyable this year!

    1. Thanks for the best wishes - I always think that moving is stressful enough on it's own so I might as well frame the packing and unpacking as a fun "opening of presents", just for the sake of optimism! ;)

  4. It looks like you have a very busy time ahead of you! I hope it all goes really well and look forward to reading your posts. May 2015 be a great year for you and yours! :)
    Big hugs Sharon in Spain x

    1. Thanks! And all the best for 2015 to you too! :)

  5. Happy holidays to you! We are looking forward to seeing what 2015 brings.

  6. You have such great dolls. Moving is always exciting and a little stressful but I know you and your dolls will take in stride. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks!

      Even when moves go smoothly, it's always an adventure, so at least I'll have stories, right? ;)

  7. Oooh, Carpatina dolls (and patterns) are tempting to me. Congrats on your new dollies, and I hope you are successful sorting out and packing/unpacking your old ones. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks!

      I've been tempted to pick up some of Carpatina's patterns as well - now that I have one of their dolls, I suspect that it's just a matter of time now! ;)
