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Friday, February 27, 2015

Random Toy of the Day: X-Force Minimates

Happy Friday!  I just realized that it's been almost a month since my last Minimates post. At that rate I'll never get through them all, so I think I'll try to post one per week going forward.

In the line-up today are the X-Force boxed set of Rictor and Boomer (or Boom-Boom, as she's sometimes called) and their teammate Shatterstar, who I picked up as a loose figure.  As with previously featured Minimates, the quality and level of detail are fairly standard, so I won't be going into a great deal of detail here.

Rictor and Boomer in the box.
The back of the box, showing off other Marvel characters that were released
The inner packaging (the small power accessories fit over Boomer's hands)
Out of the box: Boomer
Out of the box: Rictor
The loose figure: Shatterstar
Unlike the other two, this figure came with a stand.

Shatterstar and Rictor compared to the larger Toy Biz versions of the same


  1. I can't afford to get into the Mini Mates line of figures,but I love the character selection.

    1. Yeah, the depth of the character line-up that they've released is awesome.

      I probably didn't need another line to collect either, but hey.

  2. I need to catch up on my Marvel comics reading. These are all new figures. Cute, but new ;-)

    May I ask how tall are the larger figures ... wondering if they would fit with my playscale crew. Thanks!

    1. Well, the Minimates are a new release, but characters have been around a while; Those bigger figures are 20 years old now! ;)

      "Bigger" being relative, of course - they're under 6", so they're probably too small to fit with your playscale crew, right?

  3. I like how big Rictor has a sly grin while mini Rictor is totally fierce. Mirage (from the back on the box) looks like a pretty cool character. Boomer is just too cool.

    1. She is, isn't she? :)

      You know, I hadn't really noticed the difference in the two Rictors expressions, but you're right! How funny!

  4. I think mini Shatterstar is my favorite of this trio!

    1. Me too actually. He definitely has the best accessories!

  5. Do you know who Gackt is? That Boomer looks like Gackt during his blond phase. Quite the cutie pie.

    1. Heh, two hours worth of YouTube videos later... You're right! I can see it!
