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Monday, June 8, 2015

Packing up the unboxed figures

Layer 1
As I mentioned the other day, I've kept the boxes for many of my larger scale dolls and figures (and for all of the statues), but when it comes to playscale figures, I tend to throw the packaging away.  So when it's time to move, those toys get layered in shoeboxes: 1 layer of fabric for each layer of toys, plus an extra layer on the top and bottom of the box.

Or at least that's what I do for articulated figures: I confess that some vinyl minis just get dumped into a box on their own.

Layer 2
Layer 3

Final layer, after which the fabric edges are wrapped around the figures
and the box is closed on top.
It doesn't look secure, but having unpacked now, I've found this method to be even more successful than having the professionals do the work.  A few of my figures did get professionally packed this time around, and two of them - PlayArts Commander Shepard and DC Direct Grunt - ended up with damage, but that's a story for another post.

And finally, the ultimate in lazy packing:
The sloppy pile of Funko Minis.
It's not pretty, but they all survived the trip, so it's all good. ;)


  1. I think it is often better to pack things yourself. I see you have moni doll in there as well :-) Must be good to b be unpacking them all!

    1. Good eye! That is a Moni doll partially hidden in there! :)

  2. I like the use of fabric between layers of dolls ... hmmm ... I have a nice amount of fabric I've been saving for some free day when I can sew. Those pieces will make nice padding.

    LOL@ "the ultimate in lazy packing." My doll and action figure fashions got that treatment.

    1. Heh, my fabric pile is a "someday" one too - my sewing machine has been in storage for 18 months, but somehow that hasn't stopped me from picking up fabric. At least this puts it to use! ;)

    2. Good use, too. I like the idea.

      I'll be sewing by hand - I like doing it that way - never learned the machine. That's also why I only sew for my playscale figures and not myself ;-)

  3. Dana and jSarie, I encourage you both to sew once you get to your new homes. Or send the fabric to me. ;)

    jSarie, Mr. BTEG and the Dancer just got home from Origins in Columbus Ohio. Amongst their swag was a Marvel Chaos War Heroclix Ant Man figure. Thought of you as soon as I saw it.

    1. That's a nice find they had! I've never posted photos (aside from the Pete Wisdom HeroClix in the final layer photo on this post), but love those HeroClix figures. They really have a surprising amount of detail for such tiny figures.

    2. LOL @ Barb's "send the fabric to me."

      I'm looking forward to sewing - really - once I get settled ;-)

  4. Me likey the Toybiz! I sold mine when my father died.

    1. They were a fun line, weren't they? I've lost most of the ones I used to have, but Im hanging on to the ones I still have.
