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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Tagged: Sisterhood of the World Blog Award

A couple of days ago I was tagged by Linda of Darkroom Dolls for the Sisterhood of the World Blog award, a question-answering tag that's been going around lately.  I always enjoy reading other people's answers, so I'm happy to join in on the fun.

But enough about that, let's answer some questions!

1. Do you collect anything other than dolls?

I do!  As anyone who's read more than a couple of posts here will know, I have an army of action figures and MiniMates around here.
The MiniMate army
2. Why did you start a doll blog?
I had been reading doll and figure blogs for about a year, but rarely commented (or if I did, it was anonymously) - I thought that starting a blog would be a more social way of joining the community.

3. Do you have one particular doll that is the favourite in your collection?
That's a tough one!  I'm not sure I could pick just one, but if I'm allowed a tie, I'd go for my two oldest BJDs - Volks Heath and Iplehouse Aaron:
Heath and Aaron
4. Your favourite doll accessory (American Girl or other)?

My favourite accessory actually is an AG one - it's Samantha's Desk.  That desk has been moving around with me even though Samantha herself was put into storage!

5. Do you know exactly how many dolls you have in your collection (you don't have to tell the number of course :-) )?

Honestly? No (*hangs head in shame*).  I know how many of a few types, but not of all of them together (plus I'm never sure where the doll/figure line sits).

6. Do you play any instruments and if so, what?

A bit of guitar.  I took the flute briefly in school, but I didn't go very far with it.

7. Where is your most favorite place you've ever been?
Another tough one!  Can I call it another tie?  My favourite place for active fun is Banff, and my favourite place for site-seeing and eating is Istanbul.
Lake Louise in Banff National Park: Reason #1 that I miss Alberta.
8. What is your most favorite thing about yourself?
My ability to pick cute pets!  Or maybe that's luck rather than a skill... ;)

9. Favourite book or movie?
I think we've established here that I'm the worst at picking single favourites, so I won't even try.  My three favourite movies are Lawrence of Arabia, The English Patient, and The Last Unicorn and my three favourite novels are All Quiet on the Western Front, In the Skin of the Lion, and The Quiet Violence of Dreams.

10. If you could design your own doll, how would it look like?
Just one?  Hmm, I think I could get close by crossing Granado's Mars with Amerai's Nick Chopper and then sticking him in a track suit.  Because if there's one thing I love, it's putting a fancy doll in sports clothes!

And that's it!  The final part of this assignment is tagging five more people, so here we go (as always, no pressure to do it if you're not interested or if you're tired of these things, and apologies if you've been tagged before and I just didn't notice):

Muff of  Hey, It's Muff
D7ana of A Philly Collector of Playscale Dolls and Action Figures
Musume of My Dolly Adventures
Xanadu of Xanadu Dolls
Sharon of Sharon in Spain

If you are interested in playing along (and this is for anyone else who enjoys these and wasn't tagged as well), the questions were:
1. Do you collect anything other than dolls?
2. Why did you start a doll blog?
3. Do you have one particular doll that is the favourite in your collection?
4. Your favourite doll accessory?
5. Do you know exactly how many dolls you have in your collection (you don't have to tell the number of course :-) )?
6. Do you play any instruments and if so, what?
7. Where is your most favourite place you've ever been?
8. What is your most favourite thing about yourself?
9. Favourite book or movie?
10. If you could design your own doll, how would it look like?

And that's it!  :)


  1. If only you could do Banff in the summer, and Texas in the winter!

    I like Samantha's school desk too. It's one of the few accessories that I have for her, currently.

    1. The snowbird migration pattern! Or is that just for people who split their time between Montreal and Florida? LOL! ;)

  2. Oh, and by the way, what exactly does Nick do with that axe? o.O

    1. Heh, he chops, of course! What exactly he chops is probably best left to the imaginations of anyone who brings him home. ;)

  3. I enjoyed your answers! It's always great to know more about the writers of the blogs I follow and/or who follow me. You were actually going to be one of my nominees as I was recently nominated for this same award but haven't taken the time to prepare the blog post for it. It is on my soon-to-do list.


    1. Thank you!

      I'll look forward to reading you list! :)

  4. Thanks for joining in! The desk is amazing, with the ink-holder and everything, the more AG accessories I see, the more I like them. I'm saving nearly every picture and video clip from Granado of Mars on Flickr right now (stunning doll!!!), the other doll I didn't know yet. It would be an interesting combination :-).

    1. Thanks for inviting me to join in the fun!

      Mars is fabulous, isn't he? There aren't enough dolls in that size range with sculpted hair...

  5. Your answers are really interesting!! I like to know people I follow better :3
    I will do this for Wednesday post!! Thanks for tagging me because I really liked this meme! :D

    1. Fun! I'll look forward to reading yours on Wednesday! :)

  6. Hi JS!
    It's nice getting to know you a little better, I guess that's the idea behind these tagging memes. I'm honoured that you have tagged me and will try to get to it this week.

    1. I love seeing these go around for the getting-to-know-you factor as well. Looking forward to seeing your list next! :)

  7. It's nice to get to know you jSarie and thank you for the nomination! ^__^

    1. Thanks. I hope you have as much fun with it as I did! :)

  8. Awwww... I should've know you've been nominated already... And I have nominated you, too!
    I guess it's enough that I read more about you in this post via the nomination.. But if you have time, please check the link below... Thanks!!!

    1. Thank you! You've posted some interesting questions, so I think I'll do something with the inspiration from them. :)

  9. Hi jSarie, great answers! What a great collection piece that desk is...I love those older accessories as they just seem so well made. Are you originally from Alberta? There are so many places in Canada I would love to visit, especially on the West seems like a hikers dream. :) I also loved The Last Unicorn growing up and it's been fun to re-watch it with my kids. Cheezy 80s music and sound effects, lol. :)

    1. Heh, cheeseball soundtrack aside, I love that The Last Unicorn still holds up as fairly unique with it's "there are no happy endings" theme. :)

      I'm not from Alberta originally, but I lived there from 2005 to 2009 - my sister moved out there during our last year in Calgary and she's still there! That actually reminds me that I need to plan to visit her soon...
