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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Adventures of Isabela in Liverpool

I'm back from my week-and-half in England on the annual "friends, family and football" tour, so how about a few photos?  My travelling figure for this trip was one of Titan's Dragon Age mini figures, Isabela (a ship's captain seemed like the right character to bring along to visit rivers and canals, I thought).

As with the adventures of mini Ivy in Thailand, I'll be breaking this up into a couple of posts to keep it from getting too unwieldy.  Now on with the photos!

In front of the Tate.
Looking towards the city.
By the water.
At the docks.
Anfield (sadly, I had to crop Isabela out of the photo since she
looked like a blob in the foreground). 
In the Maritime Museum
Watching the canoes go by.
I imagine she looks extra angry here because she
was enjoying herself and we were about to head to the
rental car place and drive away.

And that's it for now!


  1. Isabella is indeed the right character to travel with :-). She looks like she feels at home on the photos!

    1. She does, doesn't she? I think she was disappointed we didn't get to board any of the ships there! ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Yup, although if Titan had made her trio of knives as accessories then she could be even tougher.

  3. Did you happen to be there for Talk Like a Pirate Day (Sept 19)?

    1. Funnily enough, I was! Perfect timing, right?

  4. Isabella does look scary tough. She's ruling the photos she's in ;-)

  5. Awesome photos! I can just hear that pirate accent coming right out of her mouth as you took her away from the docks :)

  6. Well I kept looking and looking at her thinking "she doesn't look overly impressed to be visiting Liverpool!" but then the more I looked, and thought of the ships theme, so the more I realised that she actually reminds me of a very modern version of the women who used to be carved into the front of ships! So now I think she definitely was the perfect choice!

    1. You're right, I think she'd be right at home carved into the front of a galleon! :)

  7. Isabela looks like she is the commander of all she surveys. I hope you had a grand time.
