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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Passing through: Fallout 3's The Lone Wanderer (male) by Funko Pop!

The Lone Wanderer
Folks who know me from a variety of doll forums may recall that during the 18 months I lived in the DC area, I usually had my location listed as "The Capitol Wasteland", a reference to the video game Fallout 3, where your character ("The Lone Wanderer") wanders the post-nuclear wasteland of an alternate-1950s DC. Having played the game several years before moving there (and since most of the game's locations were based on actual geography), I secretly always expected to run into ghouls in the metro.  And sometimes called my dog "Dogmeat" when we were going for walks.

So seeing a series of Funko Pop's released, I of course picked one up.  Unfortunately the one I ordered turned out to be damaged, so I ended up sending him back. To be honest I was relieved to have the excuse - the figure is fairly plain, and since the player character is customizable in-game, I didn't feel particularly drawn to him in the end. Still, I did take some photos, so let's take a look.

In the box.
The back of the box.
The side of the box.
Out of the box: front view.
Because of the damage to one foot, it was actually
quite challenging to get this guy to stand for this one.
Out of the box: side view

Rear view: complete with Vault 101 Jumpsuit
Even ignoring that this particular was damaged, I found this figure to be a bit on the boring side - and I think I'd say the same of the entire Fallout Funko series (perhaps with the exception of the Brotherhood figure), which is a disappointment, considering how excited I was to see that they existed.


  1. I don't know anything about these figures or the game, I must be either incredibly OLD or have led a very sheltered life! Don't you just hate it though when something you order arrives damaged? Although I appreciate it was fortunate in this case so that you could return him.....or you'd have wasted your money. But I do get fed up with receiving things that have to go back for one reason or another!

    1. Lucky for me, I actually was able to pick this one up locally, so I was able to make my case for returning him in person. To be honest, if I'd had to pay return shipping, I'd probably have kept him.

  2. It was unfortunate that the figure was damaged, a good thing you could return it, especially if you didn't like it. A pity the series are not what you expected!

    1. Yup, it was a good thing he wasn't final sale. :)

      I'm still hopefully that one of the more detailed figure-makers will do a Fallout line - there are almost 20 years worth of characters for them to use, so I'm surprised it's not something that doesn't exist yet. Or maybe I need to get back into doing figure customizations...

    2. That would be cool, to make customized figures :-)

    3. Figure customization was the hobby that got me into dolls, and somehow I ended up dropping it along the way - it's fun though, so maybe I should make some time for it again. :)

  3. Hi JSarie! Fun fact: I didn't know anything about Fallout game until I watched a Cracked (youtube channel) video on it a few minutes ago.
    Anyway, I'm glad you have been able to return this figure since you didn't like it.
    Take care and keep having fun!

    1. Thanks!

      Heh, with Fallout 4 coming out this week, I think more people are hearing about (or being reminded of) this series - I suppose that's why these figures were released now as well even thought their game is 7 years old now.

  4. Hi JS!
    Sometimes when I read your blog I think I must be living under a rock, because there are so many figures/dolls I am unfamiliar with and I have never heard of these little critters! I'd say luck was on your side having him arrive damaged, I don't think I'm fond of him either. :)

    1. Heh, I like that attitude - luck was on my side! I'm going to hang on to that one. :)

  5. I saw these figures a few weeks back and figured they were tying them into the came. I think these are more for displaying then playing.

    1. That's true, I think a lot of Funko collectors don't even take them out of the box, so they wouldn't have even noticed the issue this guy had with standing.

  6. I've seen this crew in our local stores and also have no idea who they are, lol. I blame my lack of knowledge on current pop culture on having kids and no time to be aware of extra stuff, lol. I agree that he's a bit bland...not enough personality (which I know can be difficult for Funko Pop because of their minimal features.) Glad you could return him! How are you liking TX? Do you miss DC at all?

    1. I totally miss DC - I used to live just up the hill from Arlington National Cemetery and walked my dog through there every day. Houston's Memorial Park is nice, but it really just can't compare.

      And that's not mentioning the free museums and being a less-than 10 hour drive from Toronto. But every relocation is an adjustment, so I may still warm to Houston yet - it's only been a few months, after all! :)

  7. Since you were disappointed, what would you have liked to see different on this figure? Most Funko's seem rather undetailed to me. Like you are getting a taste of a figure instead of a developed character. I think that is what makes them cute.

    1. It's true, the cartoon style is the big appeal - I think the issue I have with this one is that it's just a little too simple - without the "101" on the back, you could repaint it and it wouldn't necessarily look like a Fallout character, whereas with a lot of the Funkos, they're distinct enough that they can make those gold versions and still have them be recognizable.

      I think one went past cartoon and into generic, unfortunately.
