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Friday, January 22, 2016

Random Toy of the Day: X-Men Minimates (DST)

It's a new year, so how about some new (or at least new-to-me) Minimates?

My first new minimates of 2016 are the X-Men Beast, Storm, Cyclops, Shadowcat and Colossus, and came to me via Gwen of the cooking/AG blog A Peek into the Pantry (Cheers, Gwen!).  As usual, Minimates are pretty standard block figures, so there's not much to say about them, so on with the photos!
Scott says hello.

Piotr is glaring at something just off camera.

The new crew, sans-Colossus


  1. I like that they are all so different. I used to love watching the X-men movies, but haven't recently. I never got into the comics, but I really love the story. I like the limbs on the one to the far right (Shawdow Cat?) They seem like fun little figures to display here and there. I can see setting some up by my computer. :)

    1. Heh, that's exactly where my minimates go - I have a little shelf behind my desk that gets to host a rotating list of these (and other) minifigures. :)

  2. OOOOH,nice !I love Cyclops in that uni.

    1. Right? I like that one so much better than the newer black one.

  3. Nice! Piotr is my favorite, but I like them all :-).

    1. Thanks! He does have a great expression, doesn't he?

  4. Thanks for sharing these photos with us JSarie. After reading your post I googled almost all I could about those figures.
    You guys are right, Scoot looks better in this blue outfit than in the black one.
    Have a lovely weekend!

    1. A little over a year ago I googled these figures after seeing them in a blog post too - and look where we are now! LOL. Watch out, it might happen to you too! ;)

  5. They remind me of lego people. Look pretty cool though! Hubby got me the Eleven doctors lego people for Christmas ... at least that's what I think they are!

    I like the Cyclops one the most.

    1. Yeah, they're very similar to lego figures, just on a slightly larger scale (which reminds me that I should do a comparison of the two - thanks!).

      I didn't know that Lego had a DW line - I'm going to have to keep a look out for those, they sound brilliant!

    2. Oh yeah, if you're into building lego, they have released a Lego Tardis as well. It came out in December 2015. I haven't seen it here where I am yet but I've been looking. I think they plan to release a few lego sets and I think they released one for the Eleventh Doctor that had the Daleks in it.

      The one my husband got for me came in a small book-like case and had all Eleven doctors inside with their respective screwdrivers and a small display platform to sit them on.

    3. Nice! I'd seen the Underground Toys DW line, but until you mentioned I hadn't known about the Lego Dimensions ones.

      This may be dangerous information for me - they're tempting!

    4. Because I am not enabling you at all, but here is the link to the Doctor Who Lego set:

      They come up with some great ideas and I believe you vote on the ones you want to see produced and once there is enough supporters, they take it to Lego or something to that effect. That's how that Doctor Who one got approved for production. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

      So far, I have the Ghostbusters car with all the ghostbusters lego people and I have The Big Bang Theory sitting on my table waiting to be built. I'm looking for the Back to the Future car now but that one is hard to find and a bit rare.

      Oh here is the set my husband got me, apparently it's called Micro Figure. Doctor Who Micro Figure Set.

    5. Nice! I may have added some things to my shopping list now...

  6. Hi JS!
    That's an interesting bunch you have there, perfect computer companions.

  7. They probably wouldn't like me saying this, but they are so adorable, lol.

    1. Heh, I agree, but I'm not going to tell them - I think they might take it the wrong way. ;)

  8. Are these like the little Lego ones that are about 3 cm tall and come in all sorts of varieties? I ask because my hubby and son love them so we've got quite a few of them like Captain America and Superman, they do like their superheroes!
    Having looked again at your photos, I have a feeling that they're not the same, yours might be fractionally bigger as I see they have jointed arms. Cute little things and very colourful....I like colourful!

    1. They're slightly taller than the Lego ones - these are about 5cm, and usually have 14 points of articulation. Very similar in style though (and as you said, very colourful!).

      I have one or two Lego figures somewhere, so I'll dig them out and do a comparison post one of these days. :)
