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Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Lonely Doll Shoe

As I was walking the dog this morning, I came across a bright green doll shoe at the entrance of the golf course we were passing.  I didn't recognize it (but maybe one of you will?), but it was too striking of a contrast against the grey clouds of this rainy morning to not take a picture of.
The lonely shoe.
The fog in the distance.


  1. It looks like such a lovely morning over your way. Was the weather cold and crisp?

    The shoe reminds me of those that you usually find on Monster High doll but it could be from any doll really. I do love the contrast with the stones. I can imagine why it caught your eye.

    I have bower birds (2) in my yard and that green shoe would be something that would attract them. They'd take that for their nests. I have found an assortment of weird bright things in their nests once they've finished with it!

    1. The weather was cool (very unusual for this area) - usually there are hundreds of joggers on the path on Saturdays, but because of the cool weather I only saw a few dozen. That's probably why the shoe hadn't been kicked off onto the grass.

      I'm fascinated by bower birds, so that's brilliant that you have some in your yard - I can just imagine that something bright like this would catch their attention.

  2. Well what a surprise that must have been for you JS, you don't think that someone up in the wild blue yonder was trying to tell you something, do you? :)

    Lovely photos BTW, I like the the texture of stones behind the bright green colour of the lonely shoe, it's very effective.

    1. Thanks!

      The shoe did seem to have fallen in an attractive spot at least! ;)

  3. That's sad, perhaps somewhere out there's a little kid missing one of their dolly shoes ;_;

  4. To me, the shoe looks like one that came with one of my daughter's fairy Barbie dolls. Only that one had no heel.

    1. Well, I just happened to be surfing eBay, and I found your doll shoe! Apparently it belonged to a La Dee Da doll; you can see it here.

    2. Oh brilliant, you found it! Wild!

      Thank you! :)

  5. How National Geographic! "In the wilds of suburbia one can find the remains of a doll civilization. A sad spectacle or a delightful curiosity... you decide."
