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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Dolls in Springtime

We may be just out of February, but flowers are already blooming here in Houston.  While I haven't been able to do any major outdoor photoshoots with them yet, it did inspire me to go through my photo archives and dig up some photos from my old Burlington garden to share.

In addition to the garden, featured in these photos are "Shep" (Illusion Spirit ZhuQing), "Roland" (Soom ID51 London), and "Zed" (Angel Street Zazaen).


Thanks for looking!


  1. First, you really have some amazing dolls. I know these are BJD and I am not certain of the scale, but your photos bring them to life. Secondly, I am so jealous of your spring weather! We had springlike weather for a little over a week, but now it has been snowing again and on top of that freezing rain yesterday! The kids have had 3 or 4 snow days in the last 2 weeks. So ready for spring!

    1. Well, I hope some of my good weather can make its way up to you soon. Fingers crossed! :)

  2. Oh wow, I was browsing the DOA marketplace yesterday and someone was selling an Angelstreet Zazaen and I was thinking I hadn't heard that sculpt name for ages (ah the memories) and then today, you posted a photo of him! How cool is that!

    Ahem, anyway on to the gorgeous shots ... I really love outdoor shots, they always have such a lovely colour and cast to them plus all the green and flowers! And I never knew Illusion Spirit had such a lovely tan.

    1. Thanks! It's hard to go wrong with flowers though, right? :)

      Illusion Spirit's tan (and overall quality) really exceeded my expectations. It's too bad they seem to have disappeared.

  3. Must be nice to have flowers most of the year. Shep reminds me of this boy from a movie I saw today called Like Sunday, Like Rain. He is adorable!

  4. The tiny flowers are so pretty~
    All your boys are handsome and gorgeous! I especially love Roland :3 :3

  5. Ah, spring. Can't wait! You did a great job posing your guys within the scene. What kind of flowers are the blue ones in the first picture?

    1. Thanks!

      Those flowers are forget-me-nots. They're nice and hardy, which is great, since I'm not a great gardener...

  6. Very handsome boys and lovely flowers, you must have had a wonderful garden JS. I love the forget me nots in the first photo, have tried growing them in my garden but I've had no luck.

    1. Thank you! :)

      Maybe I got lucky with the forget me nots, because usually I have terrible luck having flowers come back - hopefully you'll have better luck with them next time!

  7. They all look so great! Those teeny tiny flowers are perfect scale for your dolls <3

    1. Thanks! I got lucky with the flower size, it's true! ;)

  8. Great photos, don't you just love photos of dolls taken in natural light! I know I do :)

    1. It's so true about natural light - I feel like they're just that much more alive outside! :)

  9. These dolls are so mesmerizing. Do you just sit around staring at them? I know I would.
