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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Projects for Lazy People (and general project updates)

I already have quite a few projects on the go: I've only finished one of the three Ginny dolls that I bought with plans to restore, and my Jade Empire custom still isn't past the planning stage. But that's not stopping me from being tempted by other projects.

First up are two projects aimed at kids that I think would also be fun for lazy adults (like myself!): The Sew Your Own Friend doll-making kit (which includes pre-cut fabric) and the Create Your Own Action Figure set:
Create your best friend or your comic book hero.
And then there's the gift that my mother gave me for my birthday a few months back, the Star Wars Crochet set (which includes enough hard for Yoda and a stormtropper, but not for the others):

I haven't decided which to go for first, but I'm in a lazy mood at the moment, so I'm leaning towards the easy ones right now. Although I really ought to finish off those two Ginnys at the very least...

What about you? Any projects that you're either putting off finishing or contemplating taking on?


  1. Those projects are pretty neat, particularly like the Star Wars Crochet one. Maybe I should try and find some patterns and make one for my husband.

    Where do I start on the list of projects that I've been putting off for a while now? I still need to finish the practice face ups but the weather hasn't been that ideal for spraying or when it is, I'm not so motivated to do it!

    I have a few big projects on the go but am dragging my feet on them so I'll start with something small. Today, I am contemplating painting a portrait on a small canvas or doing a watercolour portrait, one of the two.

    1. If you try the crochet projects share how they turn out - I'd love to see them! :)

      I know what you mean about the weather and face-ups; It's so humid here year round that I've actually given up on them for the near future, so I sold my three blank doll earlier this year.

  2. 'Tis the season for spring cleaning and organizing. I'm trying to come up with some creative ways to store dolls and stuff. My dolls' wardrobes have long outgrown the little clothes rack I made two years ago. I've got doll clothes wrapped in tissue paper, packed in boxes in the cellar. The problem is, I can no longer find a thing! So that's at the top of my to-do list.

    1. Heh, you've reminded me that I need to add spring cleaning to my own to-do list! ;)

  3. I have several knitting projects "in process," am trying to get some dresses made up for my Etsy shop, worked on furniture painting today, and have several other projects I have to accomplish. Sigh. I didn't know you crocheted.

    1. I actually took a crochet class a couple of years ago - I wasn't the best student to be honest (our class project was a scalloped baby blanket - mine turned out a little more triangular than it should have been), but I figure with some Yoda-shaped practice it can only get better from here!

      What kinds of knitting do you do? I knit a little, but these days it's mostly just scarves that I only work on when I'm flying somewhere...

    2. Yeah, the more you crochet, the better you should get. If you love the project, that is a big help.

      My biggest knitting project is one of those blankets that looks like a mermaid tail. I also have a legwarmer started for my daughter-who-dances. I completely stalled on that. Plus, I'm trying to find a good gauge for a doll blanket that I'm working on.

    3. I've seen pictures of those mermaid blankets - they're impressive! Good luck!

      Right now I'd be embarrassed to show anyone the state of my crochet skills, but hopefully I can improve enough to get over that soon. Fingers crossed! :)

  4. What a cool gift, I adore the Star Wars crochet set~ :D

    1. They look cute, right? I'm looking forward to giving them a try. :)

  5. I'm as lazy as one can be XD those 2 seems like a perfect fit haha!! the crochet one seems quite difficult thugh, I still can't make anything other than scarves XD
    Let us know how it goes! ~

    1. Heh, the doll is recommended for ages 3 and up, so I'm thinking that if a 3 year old can do, my lazy self will have no excuse! ;)

  6. Very cute and simple projects JS. Yoda and the Storm Trooper look easy enough and very sweet to boot, but the one I really love, is the little Ewok. :)

    I have one more outside row to finish my throw rug and then I will really get stuck into all my face-ups that have been patiently waiting to be finished. That will last me a good while, then it will be back to knitting and sewing again I guess.

    1. You always strike me as being so organized with your projects - I always find it inspiring when you post progress updates! :)

  7. Hello JSarie,
    I am sure you will ace these projects. A part of me want you to start with the Sew-your- best-friend one, but the other part want to see your action figure.
    Anyway, keep having fun!

    1. Thanks! I'm leaning towards the sew-your-friend myself, but whichever one is first I'll definitely be posting about. :)

  8. Hi JS,
    Thanks for the Lazy Adult project ideas as I am absolutely one of those parents, lol. We started an AG sewing stuffed animal project recently, but abandoned it for now as it was a little too intense for my 6 year old. I always feel more crafty in winter/spring as more time is spent indoors. Love the SW crochet book!

    1. It's cute, right? I just hope the instructions are easy to follow! ;)

      I think I spotted some of those AG craft boxes somewhere (Target, maybe?) the other day, and I wondered about them so it's interesting to hear some feedback about them.

  9. All of those look like fun! But the Star Wars set would be the most in demand around here! :D

    1. It does seem that way, doesn't it? Since it's probably going to take the longest, I'll probably start it first but finish it last... That's how these things seem to go! ;)

  10. These are interesting projects, I think the Star Wars crochet one looks interesting!
    I've just received two books on quilting that I ordered from Amazon, because after the small quilt I recently made for my brother's birthday, I'm thinking about making one for my mum's 80th birthday which is in November.....just thinking about it at the moment though as I still have a load of commissions that I have to do first!
    Good luck with whichever you choose to do first!

    1. Thanks! :)

      Given how well your brother's quilt turned out, I'll be excited to see the one you make for your mum if you decide to go for it. I always think quilting must require the perfect combination of patience, logical thinking, and creativity, so I'm always impressed by quilters!

  11. Hello from Spain: great proyects. I like very much Star Wars crochet. Great present. Keep in touch

    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to getting to work on them! :)

  12. Blasphemy, I know, but I have never ever liked Star Wars movies. True I saw all the originals in theatres because movies were .50 - $1.00 when I was a kid, so going to a movie you didn't enjoy/weren't interested in wasn't a big deal.

    Now, having said that, I would totally want those crochet figures. Sometimes cuteness outweighs dislike. They really remind me of the very old livejournal IHarthDarth, who used to make the most adorable Star Wars comics.

    1. You've never liked Star Wars! *gasp* ;)

      I've just googled IHearthDarth, and now I think I'm going to spend my Friday night reading through it - thanks! :)
