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Friday, April 1, 2016

Retro Week: Mini Figures of the 80s

I'm down to my final batch of retro week shots: up these time are a variety of mini figures.  There's never much to say about these guys, so let's get on with the photos!
A pair of ETs.
An axe-wielding Smurf
Mickey Mouse with a magic wand.
A relaxed Wish Bear
A pair of Cabbage Patch Kids
A Monchichi flying ace.
And that's it! One thing I did find but didn't have a chance to photograph was the box of old Kinder Surprise toys - I'll have to add that to my list for the next visit.


  1. Replies
    1. And happy on his fluffy cloud, isn't he? ;)

  2. The E.T. dressed in women's clothing is the best! I was just thinking AGAIN about E.T. as "the Easter Bunny" brought me a big bag of Reeces Pieces that I've been munching on all week. I love the Wish Bear as well! We must be close to the same age as most of these figures look familiar to me as well. ;)

    1. Heh, if you had the same toys, we must be the same generation! :)

      I think that we must not have gotten the same amount of tie-in advertising as you guys in the US did, because I remember it being a big argument at school at the time: did ET eat Reeces, Smarties, or M&Ms? LOL.

  3. I watched E.T. in 1982...But since I was 9 for some weird reason it just didn´t affect me like other movies at the time. I have much more fondness for a movie like Altered States than I do E.T. I have no idea why.

    1. Yeah, I remember liking it at the time (I think I was 8), but I didn't have much attachment to it. I think that might be because they didn't do a VHS release for years so it wasn't burned into my brain by multiple viewings like the Star Wars movies were (or The Secret of NIMH - I don't know why that one didn't have more merchandise).

  4. LOL, I don't know why but that axe wielding smurf is tickling my funny bone.

    1. He does look a little like he could have come out of a Smurf's parody, doesn't he? ;)

  5. Oh my so many little cuties, they are al so sweet in their own way, but I do love the bear!!

  6. I have the Cabbage Patch cowboy figurine as well!

    1. In that case you need to imagine this one waving at his twin in your collection! ;)

  7. These are cute and really take me back!!!

  8. These take me back ... I remember those carebear ones, I probably had a few myself! And smurfs!

    1. They must have been pretty popular at the time, right? :)
