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Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday Minis: Lightening Thor from Marvel 500 Series 4

The other day I was wandering through the toy aisle, minding my own business when I noticed that the Marvel 500 blind bags had a new display. And since a new display means a new series (at least new since the last time I picked one of these up), I decided to grab a bag and see what I'd find.

As is standard, there's not much to say about the figures themselves (they're tiny and unarticulated - although this one is somewhat unique in that he is made of a semi-translucent rather than an opaque plastic), so I'll let the photos do the talking.

The bag

Side 1 of the series description card.

Side 2

Front view: Lightening Thor is a semi-translucent blue with yellow painted
lightening bolts and hammer.

Read view.


  1. That's an unusual Thor! Some of those seem to be such different shapes from each other, that you might be able to feel around and figure out which bag is which.

    1. Yup, the triangular plastic protector disguises them a little bit, but the hands extend past it, so ones like Thor with his hammer here should still be pretty easy to recognize by feel.

  2. I like them like this, painted up with the occasional translucent figure.Unlike Marvel's Handful of Heroes line that were all solid in color.

    1. True, although I think the Handful of Heroes were a little cheaper, so I guess it's fair that they weren't painted.

  3. looks like Thor and Black Widow would be the ones I would be feeling around for.

  4. I really love that they used that translucent material for the figure. It gives it a very unearthly feel, plus I love the colour of it. Does it by any chance glow in the dark?

    1. I just checked and it looks like he doesn't - that would be a cool feature though!

    2. It would totally be a great feature. Apparently one of the MH Spectra dolls (one of the earlier ones) glows in the dark. That would be neat to see.

  5. Hello Jsarie,
    It is an unusual Thor, but it is a very cool piece.
    Big hug

  6. Very interesting JS. You are as naughty with your little figures as I am with fabric, you just can't help yourself. LOL! I like the use of the translucent plastic, it's cool.

    1. LOL, it's true! It's like they call to me and I just can't resist bringing another one home! ;)
