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Friday, June 3, 2016

Out of the box: Ellowyne Wilde - A Dream of Marigold & Cinnamon

Last week Tonner was having a cross-line sale for 25% off any of their dolls, so I took advantage of the opportunity to bring home the new(ish) "A Dream of Marigold & Cinnamon" Ellowyne Wilde release. She arrived in the middle of a rainstorm, but luckily (despite the shipping box being soaked), the inner layers weren't wet at all.

Because of the rain, the lighting isn't ideal for photos, but since we're not due to have a non-rainy day for a week, I decided not to wait to share - so apologies for that!

This doll comes on the standard body, and its main unique feature is that she has the Ellowyne head while being a darker colour (which is usually only offered with the Lizzette head). The doll comes dressed in an orange sari, with gold high heeled shoes, and with a variety of pieces of jewellery. Her hands, which are painted with henna-style designs, need to be removed in order to fit the bangles onto her wrists.

The outer box.

The inner box.

The concept card

In the box
Out of the box.
Her outfit consists of three pieces, plus tights.
The golden sequins on the top really catch the light!

The shoes, bangles and earrings were packed separately

The golden shoes.
As with every pair of Tonner shoes I own, these were a pain to get onto
the doll's feet.
Close-up of the hand

Outside, with her earrings on.
Rear view.
She has quite long hair, and I do worry about it getting
tangled - I'll probably end up keeping it braided.

Face comparison with Lizette: she has rounder eyes, more of a pointy chin
 and a narrower nose.

For those who are unfamiliar with the size, here are some comparisons:

With Volks SDC Miko
With American Girl Cecile
With Monster High Cleo DeNile
Interestingly, this isn't the first orange-sari'ed doll in my collection - Girls of Many Lands' Neela is dressed in a very similar colour scheme:

 I will say that I think the regular retail price $189 USD is a little high for a doll with such a simple outfit - I would normally expect something more more elaborate at that price point (as a comparison, most Ellowynes in simple outfits are in the $149 to $159 range).  Still, I'm quite happy with her overall, so I can't complain!

A parting glance (and a photobombing dog)


  1. What a lovely new girl!! love her hands details and the colors~

    I'm surprise of her price to be honest, but she is very pretty and you also got a discount which is very nice. Congrats!

    1. Thanks! :) I was definitely pleased to have the discount!

  2. Oh wow, she is a breathtaking doll. I love the skin colour she comes with and that outfit is actually quite lovely. I've long admired some of those Ellowyn dolls. Thanks for the comparison. That gives me a great idea of how big they are.

    Oh and is that your dog in the background?

    1. That is my dog - he actually shows up in a lot of my outdoor doll photos. I imagine he thinks he should be the star! ;)

  3. Wow, JS, she is a gorgeous doll! I have had a Lizette doll on my wish list for a while, but this one is just as lovely. I love her little Henna tattoos. Great photos!

    1. Thanks! :)

      They're fun dolls, aren't they? Which of the Lizettes have you had your eye on?

  4. She really is just gorgeous and so is the hand detail.

    1. They really did do a nice job on this one, it's true. :)

  5. She is lovely. And she has on one of the prettiest doll sari's that I've ever seen.

    1. Thanks! The sparkly bits really add something unique to it, don't they? :)

  6. I just saw this doll in the Tonner sales room yesterday, and thought she was gorgeous. Congratulations on getting her!

  7. WOW JS, I think she's beautiful! I have always loved Ellowyne but for some reason every one that has come here, hasn't stayed long before leaving again.
    But this is a gorgeous girl and a lovely outfit, I love the colour of her 'skin', it's perfect for her.

    1. Thanks! :)

      I can relate to your Ellowyne experience. I'm like that with a lot of toddler-type dolls, in that I love the way some of them look, but they just don't quite work for me as part of my group.

  8. She is lovely! I have my eye on her as well!

    1. Thanks! I hope you get to bring her home too at some point! :)
