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Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Canadian Tire Wow Catalogue's Toy Section

It's been ages since I've posted now - I'm still staying with my mother as she's recovering from surgery (and thanks to everyone who sent her well-wishes! :)) - I did manage to fit in a holiday in during November (which will soon be highlighted over on Project Evil Bunny), but instead of going home, I cam back to Toronto. And since I'm here, I thought it might be fun to share the toy pages from the annual Canadian Tire Wow Catalogue (90% of which isn't toys, so just a few photos here).  So here they are!
The Front page

Barbie & the DC Super Hero Girls
The Lego page
Star Wars figures & ships
The play doll section
Hope to get caught up with all of you soon, and hopefully I'll be able to post more often! :)


  1. Wow, I hope your mom gets well soon! Thanks for checking in, and sharing these pictures.

  2. What a fun looking catalogue!!
    I wish your mom a speedy recovery!

  3. I hope that you mother is getting better.
    And who does not like those catalogues! I often pick up one at the stores - last one was from a LEGO-store. Lots of fun to look at.

    1. Who doesn't love a good toy catalogue, right? :)

  4. It's so nice to hear from you and always good to take a bit of a bloggy break. Thanks for checking back in and hope you are enjoying all of that cold Canadian air! ;)

    1. Thanks! I'm thinking this visit is going to cure me of my snow nostalgia! ;)

  5. Hope you're mother is doing a lot better these days!

    I wish we had such nice catalogues here. Ours are never that nice. It's good to see you around though!

    1. Thanks!

      I feel like catalogues are in their death throws these days, so I was excited to see this one show up. :)

  6. Hey hey, J! Glad to see you back! Wishing your mom well, dear...

  7. I totally got this in the mail too! Hahaha! I hope you and your mom are well! Merry Christmas!
