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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Yet Another John Constantine Mini-Figure

I was reading comic book reviews when I noticed a mention that an animated film version of Justice League Dark had been produced. Being a bit of a fan of the comics, I went to check it out - and discovered that the deluxe edition came with a vinyl figure of John Constantine. So of course I bought that one. Let's take a look!

The packaging.
The back of the box.
The inner packaging
Out of the box and outside in the garden.


  1. I've seen some of this on YouTube, and I like Constantine's character, even if he is a kind of anti-hero. If this is the right series, I love the scene where the embodied spirit of Constantine's magical house reads Batman's spirit and discovers nothing but darkness and wonders how he survives. Batman's deadpan reply: "I have a butler." :)

    1. Heh, yup! "I have a butler" is from this one - and it was one of my favourite lines as well! :)

  2. Hello Jsarie,
    He is beautifully detailed!
    Big hug

  3. Not familiar with the character, but that's a very nice figure!

  4. This guy reminds me of the Irish singer Ronan Keating!
    I went to two comic stores recently here in Malaga, Spain, as my son, who was over here on holiday, wanted to go to them. I thought of you as I saw the same sort of figures that you show us sometimes on here :)
    He bought lots of those bobbly head thingies, sorry I forget what they're actually called but you recently showed us some I believe!!! ;)

  5. Congrats, that is one good looking figure! :)
