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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Discount Shopping Adventures, May 2017

It's been a while since I checked out the local discount chains (in this case Tuesday Morning and Big Lots), so last week I decided to pay them a visit.  I took some photos of the toy aisle offerings and thought I'd share them with you guys!

Doll shelf at Tuesday Morning: Fashion dolls and play doll outfits.

Another doll shelf at Tuesday Morning: Bratz, Barbie, and Monster High

The action figure shelf at Tuesday Morning: Star wars action figures and mini figures.

Marvel Legends figures at Tuesday Morning

Play Zone 18" dolls at Big Lots

A variety of action figures at Big Lots

Kenya, Monster High, and Barbie at Big Lots
In general it seemed that the prices were about 15% lower than normal at Big Lots and about 25-30% lower at Tuesday Morning. I didn't bring anything home (I'm trying not to buy anything new in anticipation of moving house in a couple of months), but it was fun to see what was available!


  1. Thanks for the pictures. I don't see much interesting there, especially since neither of those stores is close to where I live.

    1. Heh, I know that feeling - I had never even heard of Tuesday Morning before seeing it mentioned on some blogs a few years ago!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to stop by my nearest Tuesday Morning.

    1. I hope you see some interesting finds there! :)

  3. It's been a while since I've been to Big Lots or Tuesday Morning. I almost feel like I got to browse their shelves just now from the comfort of my home. Thanks for sharing!

  4. You get tons more stuff than we do here in Oz. Or at least where I live anyway. That Barbie with the blue dress was on my wishlist but I don't really want to order her from overseas. I was hoping our toy stores might get her in but no such luck.

  5. Wow, I haven't been to" big lots in a while. I almost thought the "Play Zone dolls were Journey Girls. It seems everyone now has a version of the 18" play dolls. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Oooooh thank you for sharing the bargains that were to be had. We don't have anything like this here, unfortunately. My son and his wife were in the US recently and I asked him to look in all the usual stores for dolly stuff for me, but he came away with nothing. :(

  7. It's always fun to do some window shopping! And interesting to see what they stock in stores over there!

  8. Wow so many lovely goodies! I wish we had those prices in here, or at least that variety!

  9. Wow,how much were those Marvel comic packs going for?

  10. Neat! I like that the Now Looks doll was $14.99. Man, I miss Big Lots; I've yet to get to a Tuesday Morning. Someday. Someday. In the mean time, thanks for sharing your trip to those stores. I wish you continued success in holding off until you see something really spectacular. Good luck with the upcoming move.

  11. New Bratz just keep popping up at discounters... they made it to the 99 Cents Only at $4.99, but since I already had a couple, I resisted.
