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Monday, August 14, 2017

A quick look at Granado's Vinyl VINDOLL Udell

Granado's Udell
It's been a while since my last post: we've moved house, gone on a family holiday to the UK and Ireland, and I'm off to another family event in Belgium next week. And in between I've been organizing and selling off some of my doll collection.

But in between all of that there was one new arrival: Granado's Udell, the first doll in their new vinyl VINDOLL line. Granado has been putting out lovely large resin dolls for a number of years now, and this new line is an vinyl interpretation of one of their existing resin lines (the 70cm line).  Being vinyl, they're a third of the weight and half the price, which is nice.

I'll be attempting to do a more thorough look at the posing of the line (once I have some extra free time - and once I figure out where the best light is in this new house), but until I get to that I thought I'd share the unboxing of this guy.

Not for the sensitive: there's one photo of an unclothed anatomically correct doll beneath the cut.

In the box.
The inner packaging
Free from the packaging

Included with the doll were a wig, eyes, eye putty, and shorts.

Free from the box, without eyes or hair.

With eyes, hair, and shorts, showing off his ability to clap and kneel

Showing off his ability to jog.

Crossing his arms and legs.

A quick parting glance.
Thanks for looking! I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer (unless you're in the southern hemisphere, in which case I hope you're enjoying the winter)!


  1. Congratulations on your new addition, a handsome one! From the photos, he does not look at all like he was out of vinyl - so that is a good thing!
    Hope that all went fine with the move and that you enjoy the coming family event!

  2. Congrats on the new arrival :) I have been curious about the vinyl dolls from Granado. It's an interesting concept. He looks like a solid poser from these photos.

    1. Thanks! He is such a solid poser. Some of it the resin guys could probably do too, but I'd be afraid to try with them in case they fell, but I think his skeleton does give him a bit of an advantage.

  3. Hello Jsarie,
    I am amazed at the musculature and detail of the doll. What fantastic sculpting. I hope you enjoy your new home.
    Big hug

    1. Thanks, Giac! He really does have a brilliant amount of detail. :)

  4. Hi!

    Congrats on the new arrival! If you don't say it's a vinyl doll, I would have thought he was a resin one. It seems he balances pretty well.

    Greetings ^^

    1. Thanks, Lily!

      I don't know if all the colours of vinyl are quite as nice, but with this bronze colour it's definitely true that he doesn't look like what I'd expect from vinyl. I'm very happy with him. :)

  5. Oh wow big congrats! I had wondered if anyone I knew would get this vinyl version. I think it's pretty neat they released a vinyl version actually. I wish more bjd companies would do that. It would be so interesting to see vinyl versions plus less concern of breakage!!

    Looking forward to seeing the posing post when you have some free time!

    Enjoy Belgium!

    1. Thank you!

      I was on the fence about this guy (I think I ordered him on the last day of the discount sale they were having when he launched because I'd been debating), but I'm glad I went for it. I'd definitely love to see more companies try this, if only because it's so much less of a worry to try things with a vinyl doll without worrying about breakage and instant yellowing (and that carry weight).

      I think I've been converted into a vinyl fan! ;)

  6. Wow, sounds like you've had some wonderful travels lately, and more to come! I hope you get settled into your new home and like where you now live. This doll looks really heavy and solid. Beautiful sculpting and his face is lovely. It's great to see you back!

    1. Thanks, Farrah Lily! :)

      It's been a busy summer but also a fun one. I might try to put together a photostory summarizing everything in September, if I can get around to it. I actually forgot to bring a travelling toy with me when we were travelling last - I think it was the first time in seven years that I wasn't taking toy photos while site-seeing. I almost didn't know what to do with myself! ;)

  7. Hi, I have a tan Udell, and his skin tone is very realistic. I love the bronze skin tone too though! My boy has a falling limbs problem, but a solution would be to put tape around the pegs to create friction. He's very light compared to a resin doll isn't he :-).

    1. They really are incredibly light compared to their resin counterparts, it's so true! :)

  8. Congrats on the arrival! The sculpting is great and he poses amazingly!! The bronze skin is amazing as well, and as others said, it looks very real!
    Hope to see more of him!

  9. Congrats on getting the vinyl Udell! He's handsome. He also looks fun to pose.

    Wishing you much joy in the new home and looking forward to any doll organizing and/or selling stories you choose to share when you can.

  10. Very cool- the undies make him :D
    Been sellin' off some of the older items in my collection & reorganizing too. Cheers!

  11. It sounds like you've had an eventful summer and some great traveling too!
    This guy looks great and wow, they're making them in plastic, that's really good, especially the price!
    I wonder if any other companies will take the plunge from resin into plastic too?

    1. I hope it's an idea that does take off. I definitely appreciate having a doll of this size who doesn't weight several kilos!
