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Monday, January 22, 2018

2017 in Review

Happy New Year! It might be a little late for that, but since it's still January I feel like I can still sneak it in.😉

I'd gotten out of the habit of blogging regularly last year, but I'm hoping to get back into the routine of posting at least twice a month for 2018.  I'm already getting off to a slow start since the month is already half over, but hey - better late than never, right?

As with 2016, I'd planned to spend 2017 streamlining my collection. And while I did buy fewer dolls and figures overall, I also only sold three dolls (and zero action figures) over the course of the entire year (down from the 18 figures and three dolls that I sold in 2016).  But enough about the numbers, let's take a look at the toys who entered and exited over the year!

Photos after the cut:

The Entrances: 
Star Wars Funkos Baze and Chirrut

A John Constantine PVC figure

Granado's Udell, a 70cm vinyl BJD.

Made to Move Barbie, Soccer edition.
A Cabbage Patch cowgirl.
I haven't talked about her yet, but she'll be getting her
own post within the next month.

The Exits:
Iplehouse Cocori found a new home this year.
Mirodoll Lele found someone who would appreciate his greyness 
Angel Street Zazean found himself a new owner as well.
Looking Forward

In terms of collecting, I'm going to try not to add any additional large dolls this year.  I have already picked up a first action figure of the year, but I'm planning to reorganize and cut back in general. During the first part of this year I'm hoping to sell a few more dolls.

In terms of blogging, the first few upcoming posts will be catching up. Even though I haven't been posting, I have been taking photos. And I recently realized that I have a few saved photos going back to late 2016 that I haven't posted, so all of that will be going in the queue. I'll also be doing a post or two dedicated to the dolls that I'm currently selling on various forums.  And since I was able to visit AG Place NYC when I was in New York last month, I'll also be putting up my photos from that trip.

I hope you had a good end of 2017 and beginning of 2018! I'm hoping to get caught up with everyone else's updates soon. 


  1. Hello jSarie,
    Happy new year to you! These are great! I love the funkos and the John Constantine is so well done. I am glad good homes were found for the exiting.
    Big hug

  2. Hi jS, a Happy New Year to you too! As you say, better late than never!
    I look forward to seeing your blog posts this year because you are not just an 'ordinary' doll collector, you collect all sorts of figures too and I enjoy seeing what you have/find!
    I also look forward to seeing your photos from the AG store, because even though I don't collect AG dolls, I do enjoy seeing them and their accessories! I would love to visit one of their stores too!

  3. Happy New Year to you! That is great that your dolls went to new homes. I would had a hard time parting with Cocori. Super cute!

    1. Thanks!

      I debated about selling Cocori for ages (she was one of my first BJDs), but I finally decided that since I hadn't had her on display for three years it was time to let her go to someone who would appreciate her more. :)

  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's great to see you blogging. I find selling anything these days can be a bit of a struggle. Looks like you had some great additions last year.

    1. Thanks! :)

      It's so true about sales. They seem to take 3x as long now even with prices dropped significantly more. But I suppose that's the tradeoff of having so many new options these days.

  5. Happy New Year and I hope that it will be a good one! I am glad that you got some new homes for the dolls exiting and that some new ones found it your way. :)

  6. Happy Mew Year! I've sold a ton of figures, but bought a fair share as well. Still, more going out than comin in, so that's always good- gonna continue that trend after stellar sales in January. I finally started an Instagram to help drive sales, and found out where all my blog readers went- I'm perennially late for the party it seems. :D

    1. That's where the sales are, eh?

      I have an Instagram account, but I just use it for book and dog photos. Looks like I might need to rethink my strategies!

  7. Great to see you back! I've been the same way about blogging..I'm hoping to get back into it more this year as well, as like you, I never stopped taking photos..I just never made them into posts! Good for you for being able to let some of your dolls go as I know it isn't easy. Happy sorting and collecting to you for this new year. :)

    1. Thanks, Farrah! We'll both be working on this together then. :)
