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Saturday, December 22, 2018

A Good-Bye to a House (with Lumedoll Atik)

If you ever scroll far enough back to my first few posts on this blog, most of the photos in those posts are of BJDs in the garden in my house in Burlington, Ontario.  It's been five years since I've lived there (it was rented out while I was living in the US), but this past summer we decided to sell the house.  As of yesterday, the house is now in the hands of its new owners. 

The week before closing I took my Lumedoll Atik along and shot a few final doll photos. I wish I could have photographed him from a few other angles, but unfortunately his faceup was damaged during our relocation up from Houston. The weather is too damp to redo his faceup right now, so he'll have a "good side" until the summer.

These photos aren't as good as the older ones as I was using my phone (if you'd like to see some of the older photos, check out Dolls in the Snow or Dolls in Springtime) but I wanted to commemorate the event regardless.

As I was outside, snow started to fall, which added to the mood.

Thanks for sharing in the moment with us! :)


  1. That's a nice way to commemorate taking leave of someplace. Hope you have good memories when you look at the photos.

    1. Thanks. I only wish I'd thought to do the same when I've left other houses. :)

  2. These are nice photos and I think a great way to remember the 'good ole times'. Congratulations on the house sale!

  3. I'm so sad to hear about the faceup damage, but I hope you will be able to redo it, and that you will be comfortable in the new place!

    1. I hope I can recapture his original faceup because I'm so used to it that I think he'll feel almost like a new doll if it changes too much!

  4. Congrats on the house sale and lovely photos!
    Sorry about the face up damage! Hope that you can fix it when the weather changes!
    Enjoy your new place!

  5. I like the photos and having him showing his 'good side' gives him a bit of mystery I think.
    I am going to be in a similar situation soon, selling my house, so I can sort of relate to this post...
    Happy New Year to you xx

    1. Thank you! And good luck with selling your house! :)
